Friends, Friends and More Friends

a poem by Paramesh C R

Of friends, do I know what they are?
Stars, sunflower and hills for friends
I dare not ask if that is bizarre.
Oh, but I have a dear friend to spell
More than I ever can fully tell.

When fame and fortune shone upon me
There you were across to oversee.
In the face of strife and misery
When depressed, lonely and weary
Tear-drops trickling down my cheek
You drew me from out the weak.

When I was down a little ailing
You didn’t go west sailing
You sensed my special need
Yet none others paid any heed.
At a glance you fathomed my sorrow
Didn’t stand idly waiting for morrow.
With much grace you lent a hand
Whence it sprung I did understand.

Your thoughts beamed on me
So did mine on thee
Wasn’t there a bonding, an emotional kind?
One can tell it wasn’t from your mind.

Transcending the fortress of bodies
And the two hearts fading each to each
You chose to walk mile after mile
To my journey’s end swapping smiles.