So much to share, so much to care

a poem by Twinkle

So much to share, so much to care?
There are occasions when things don’t happen
the way we think,
the way we want,
the way we feel.
So much to share, so much to care?

So much to share, so much to care?
Silence in hearts ruling the hour…
Eyes sparkled with fireworks of joy,
But softened with sadness.
Cheeks reddened with happiness,
But with a sombre face.
Hearts’ mirth at brim,
But choking the throat.
Silence ruled all over.
So much to share, so much to care?

So much to share, so much to care?
There are occasions when things don’t happen
the way we think,
the way we want,
the way we feel.
So much to share, so much to care?

So much to share, so much to care?
The indomitable faith,
The in depth understanding,
The unshakeable confidence,
The immeasurable love
Will stand the test of time
And pillars of strength
Of friendship and love
In times to come,
And forever.
So much to share, so much to care?