My legs still resist the flow of the time
Along with the continuous expansion of the universe
The distance between us keeps increasing as I write,
Even if all we manage is to hold on to our places.
You are too far to simply reach out and grab
And the silence though is merciless in handing out the verdict
Good for nothing optimism is willing to surrender the driving wheel
The debate now who’ll drive is between realities;
actual and perceived
My hands, they now blabber
thousand things in thousand places.
Many a time just random fancy show-off pieces.
Mostly, the aftermath of sleepless nights till 3 A.M.,
it’s manifestations.
Your self-proclaimed consciously awkward smile;
played, paused, put on repeat.
The anchored bonds placed on your wrist,
If only my footings could have been so deep.
I wish to see the starry sky, with the naked eye, on a brazen land
Or maybe a jumpy cute black dog, resting along the beach shoreline
If nothing else, then pay a visit to the other world in the books you read
Our galaxies may now be light-years away,
as long as I could feel you around me.
I take the baby steps against the flow of time, the rapid expansion
It makes no sense in the real world, I know.
I’ll be a dying star, bright white light, fading with the distance.
I am invisible now, I get that, I had it coming, I won’t complain.
But if you ever cast a look towards this end
of the universe, I’ll try to make sure
You catch the glimpse of the baby steps, towards you.
In the sands of the time, across space.