Poems by
Bolloju Baba

The Sublimity of Life

a poem by Bolloju Baba

The first cloud that skims along
The last whiff of summer breeze
Leaves an impression of verdurous kiss
On earth’s parching lips.

The cold wind that comes riding
Over the last drop of rain
Passes off… blessing each body
With an encounter of warmth.

The Summer born
In the ultimate moments of Winter
Recedes throwing a fistful of jasmines on adults
And a chestful of memories to children.

Novelty of life and the tapering of death
Shall always fine tune
The music of Life.

Love always
Enlivens the passages of Life
With its fragrances.

What a sublime life it is
When we humbly subject to Time or Love
And surrender our Being and our Existence!!!

(Bolloju Baba – Translated from Telugu by Sri. N.S. Murthy)