Poems by

War Drums

a poem by Unnathi

With dusk fallen
and trumpets blown,
the war cries end
across the bend,
awaits thou victorious leader
with arms outspread,
many a tears of joy shed
thus begins the fiesta,
soldiers filled with zest
dance the night away.

With dusk fallen
and trumpets blown,
the war cries end
across the bend,
defeated soldiers return home
life is but a blissful dome,
tomorrow is the fateful day
to succumb to the victor’s say,
soldiers are a pathetic sight
for it is a long night.

The battle field cries for peace
no more blood shed please,
with guns firing
and advances in spying,
the war rages for ages.

Oh! brave martyrs bound by sacrifices
look beyond your sight,
think beyond your plight
fight beyond your might,
to break the bonds of hatred
fill yourself with love,
to be loved, feel loved
and die loved.