Poems by
Namrata Dewan

Miss you love

a poem by Namrata Dewan

I sit by the window
Looking at the same sky
Under which you once promised me
To be with me forever and ever
Thinking about you
And the days gone by
The moments passed by
I realize I miss you love

There was a time
When it was just you and me
Filling up the empty spaces in each others arms
Complementing each other in every way
And again I realize I miss you love

I remember you saying
“I love you, I wanna marry you,
We’ll have our kids, we’ll have our family”
I remember you’d even named our children (chunnu, munnu)
You wanted one boy and one girl
But your love died so soon
Sooner than I ever thought
You said I couldn’t satisfy you and she could
But I still miss you love.

Ignoring you seems so difficult
Just like it’s difficult for the star to ignore its moon
Or the priest ignoring Lord Jesus
When you look into my eyes
Your eyes still make me feel special
When you hold my hand
Your hand still makes me feel that you need me
But I know things are not the same
And they can never be the same again
Because you love the pretty girl sitting next to you

My tongue may lie
But my eyes can never lie
For my love for you will never die
I miss you love
Because I still love you
You might not love me anymore
But I hardly care
Cos I will always love you
And always dream of you
And I will always miss you love