Poems by
Nadeem Zia G

Macabre at sea shore

a poem by Nadeem Zia G

Serenity of sea was no less than awe;
When for first time in my life I saw.

But when sea thunders at nature’s wrath;
No defence any kind ever hath.

All Mankind’s claims and glory;
Destroyed at the great Tsunami’s fury.

No prophecy would have ever thought;
That the holocaust was of such a lot.

Dance of death at sea shore was grisly;
Ravaging all in a manner so ghastly.

Thousands perished with millions homeless;
Asking for mercy and nature being merciless.

Here we stand in front of Marine;
Yet so strong and yet so fragile.

This is the irony of Mother Nature;
At times tender, at times plunder…