Poems by
Abhilash Surendran

Touched by an angel

a poem by Abhilash Surendran

No one ever knew how to walk in
to the deep, abyss of my heart.
They fell, they faltered
but the depths never gave away.
They thought they were scratching the walls.
Ignorant souls! they never knew!

Like leprechauns and naked elves,
they wait, pondering success.
They walk tightropes around me.
Parading themselves around in
motley patches of lust.
Showing what they are.
No soul. Just flesh! lost in virtue!

And the angel flies above them all
like a beacon of light;
of voices known only to the soul.
Of unspoken words and unsought feelings.
Of splattered images and colours.
And she can cover the abyss,
disregard the depths,
sitting pretty on the walls.
And the sight of her alone,
could make a million tongues ask,
‘have you been touched by an angel?’