Natural Phenomena

a poem by Ramesh T A

The Earth enjoys the beauty of love called the Moon,
    when exposed by the brightness of truth called the Sun!
But the Earth is engulfed in darkness called eclipse,
    when the Sun and the Moon directly meet together by rare coincidence!

Eclipse of the Sun caused by the Moon close before the Earth
    is just another Natural Phenomenon;
But the Ring of Fire Scene of the eclipse after 200 years
    is a wonder due to the Moon not being big enough to blot out the whole big Sun!
It looks as if the Circus Ring Master is holding the Fire Ring
    for the Lions and Tigers to pass through to show a Mega Fun to the audience!

The Shadow of Eclipse whether it is lunar or solar suited man
    to weave superstitions from time immemorial!
The Shadow of Darkness is symbolised as Evil
    working against the Rays of Brightness called the Good.
The twists of Evil initially may cast its shadow over the Truth for sometime;
But the Truth will ultimately prevail over all tactics like the Sun at the Dawn!

The falling Meteorite seen across the sky is said to be a Bad Omen that by a rare
    coincidence it is predicted to be the laying down of life of a leader of a nation!
But the falling down of an Asteroid on the Earth has changed
    the Fate of Evolution some 65 million years ago!

Otherwise, instead of beautiful Human Beings evolved from the Hominoids
    perhaps deadly Devils would have evolved from Dinosaurs!
So, not the eclipse of the Sun or the Moon that eclipses the Life of Man
    but the eclipse of the Mind that eclipses the Future of Man!

Finally, Superstition and Science are entirely two different opposing poles apart;
Yet, Religionists and Scientists take measures to purify or sterilise the body
    after encountering strange natural phenomena!
So, after the eclipse, people take Holy Dip in the rivers
    to purify their bodies against impurities!
So also, after the Space travels, Astronauts are quarantined for sterilisation
    to guard them against infections.