Giving Godly Grace (Acrostic)

a poem by Christuraj Alex

God! Your graces upon me have been unique!
In you, I find solace and safe from fatigue!
Vices all wiping, you’ve made me Angelique!
Innermost heart of mine is your shrine mystique!
None, in this world, can give your peace Dynamique!
God, I thank you with my whole soul and physique!

Grand, I may serve my neighbors so graciously!
Outlooks mine changing, keep perspectives purely!
Divinity yours drawing diligently,
Life mine may I surrender to you humbly!
You are my guiding force ever endlessly!

Grand Master of Gentleness and compassion!
Reflect on me the light of your resurrection!
Allowing me to partake in your mission!
Change my life. Bring overall transformation!
Emmanuel! Make me your living mansion!