Birds on a Cloudy Day

a poem by Paramesh C R

It was a cloudy day
The sun was hiding stray
Peeping off and on, taking rest
Like little sparrows in the nest.

The sky was dark blue
The ocean was gloomy
A lonely bird circling around
Like on a merry-go-round.

Yet no bird in sky was seen
In the vicinity she had been
The loner seemed lost in a race
Lost directions in outer space.

Or was she seeking a loving mate
The day being cool for a cozy chat?
Or did she lose her recent mate
Who had been in the trip her date?

Sighting her from a cloud hidden
Flew down her mate in a sudden
It was a lesson on flying a pair
They flew chatting romantic affair.

Losing you I felt deeply sad
Thought of many things bad
Flying alone I lost being smart
Feared we were miles apart.

The day was getting darker
Ocean seemed larger and larger
It was the scariest night
Until at last you came into my sight.