The Stars – II

a poem by Ramesh T A

When the particles of dark clouds collide in the vast outer Space,
The central gravity pulls them in to produce heat and light;
The star burns bright till all the hydrogen turns into Helium!
Then the star swells like a red giant to Super Nova size and explodes!
After cooling, it shrinks to a tiny dense mass like a White Dwarf!

Sometimes the extinct stars with the unburnt central core are the pulsars
That send out radiation like the light beams coming from the light house!
The far away distant pin point light of the night sky is the quasars
That looks like the dim glowing lantern lights of the dark woods!

The collapsed Star becomes the Black Hole that sucks in
Everything at the centre of the galaxy with such a gravitational
Force that nothing including light can escape from that den!
A great natural phenomenon no laws of science can explain now!

Millions of years the Star takes to be born to live and die in the Space
And millions of light years the Star light takes to reach the Earth;
The life span of Star takes such a long time and distance in Space!
To the eye of the beholder the dusty atmosphere makes it twinkle,
A great wonder that kindles the imagination of the poets, the artists,
And the scientists probe to discover the secrets of the Universe!

The Stars above horoscopically decide about the fate of man below!
The Stars mean the symbol of quality to assess man’s achievements!
The Stars appear in the night sky to delight all with wonderful dreams!
So too the Cinema Stars appear on the silver screen to delight the fans!
So, the affairs of men are affected by the Stars above in the sky!

Moon may come and go but the Stars remain in the Sky forever
To guide the mariners to navigate the ship on the seas around.
The Stars are the diamond to delight and direct men of the world
And also to give hopes, dreams and visions of a better tomorrow!
So, Star gazing has profoundly changed the personality of man
Whether he wants to achieve best or worst things in the world!

Rockets sent to the Space after the World Wars
Only installed Satellites to spy and not to probe
And the well known cold war between Super Powers
Led to the worst developments of Star War Weapons!
That means wars will be there forever in the world
Not only on land and sea but also in the Space!

UFOs appear here and there creating situations
Stranger than superstitions and spirits’ visitations!
UFOs appearance raised doubts over some
Countries’ activities are not yet unearthed!
Likewise strange phenomena again have provoked
Space probes to ascertain lives of our type there!

“High or low, whatever you achieve, your aim should be always high,”
Man says to man using the Star as the mark of excellence in the world
As “hitch high to the Stars if you want to come up in life” is his advice!
So, Stars have been a wonder, are a wonder and will be a wonder ever!