Tag Archives: Holy

I don’t want to be Holy

a poem by Annapurna Krishjeev

I am not hurt when people killed me to eat me
For I am always known to have offered myself
For the sake of the one who loves me.
For the sake of the one who needs me.

Didn’t you hear that story well known?
When I and my child offered ourselves as feast
To the mighty tiger, who let us both be on our own.
For, we could even melt the heart of that beast.

I am not meek. I am very strong.
If you think you are protecting me, you are wrong.
How else did I go back to the tiger to keep my promise?
How else did my child came after me to prove suffice?

My milk is for my child, but you drink it all.
I never complained, but always heed tall
To the needs of your children who are like my calf.
I am an animal and not human, not even a half.

When I die of hunger and thirst
To save me you are not keen
When I eat garbage and dirt
You are nowhere to be seen

But now, you are killing someone in my name.
You are murdering someone for your fame.
If I were ever holy, my holiness is stained.
Today I am not only hurt, but also ashamed.

If I am causing the death of so many innocents
If I am inspiring you to murder your fellow beings
How can I still remain holy?
How are you still my devotee?

Don’t make me a pawn of the games of politics.
Don’t parade with my head in public
Don’t put me on your profile pics.
Don’t exhibit my meat, have a sense of civic

I still have my animal instincts.
And an animal heart that I never forget.
The innocents, the ignorants,
And the wretched make my eyes wet.

Just leave me alone.
Let me remain what I am.
I don’t want to be holy
I don’t want any devotee.