Who am I

a poem by Elaine E. Howie

Who am I
I am the one born to grief
Abuse and poverty
I am the one that saw and acknowledged
The true awakening of life

I am the one that felt used
And was raped and confused
I am the one who cried to god
Because no one was there to understand

I am the one who had two daughters
And wanted better for them as I
Continued the abuse
I am the one who finally was
Told that my daughters were put
Here to be loved
I didn’t know simply put

I am the one who left the man
Of 19 years for another not half
As good and true colors were shone
I am the one who love to dance
Love anything that had to do with romance

I am that one who was called to bare
Buy my children as to their childhood
And abuse
I am the one who held myself from
Becoming a drug addict because
God provided for me another avenue

I am the one who stole, lied and cheated
With no respect for others without shame
I am the one who has since repented and
Know better

I am the one who watches my baby girl
Struggle with a sickness that seems never ending
I am the one that has seen my girls grow into
Their own characters and strive to give their
Children more love

I am the one who hopes my grandchildren
Will make me as proud as their parents have
And I am the one who prays for their grades
As well as their lackadaisical ways

I am the one that watches my grandchildren
Go through the everyday problems of life for the young
I am the one who met a great guy
And wanted to follow him to the end of the world
And would have if he had continued to be a great Guy

I am the one who recognizes his struggles everyday
And he provides for me without slight
I am the one he talks to but don’t love back
Yes I am the one with all these illnesses
That I hope to one-day get over
And finally I am the one that will die
With a sigh on my lips and a knowing
In my heart god forgives for real
I don’t know who I am but now you do

(Dedicated to My Daughters
With more love then I was ever able to give)