Empty Bottle

a poem by Rafel Michael

Crying baby gets the milk
The saying goes like this
What those babies never cry
They fear feeding bottle

The mother feeds the little one
With her breast milk
All the essence of mother’s love
Fed to the child at one go

That’s the love and affection
Entwined in two breasts
Make the kid grow with these qualities
When they grow they never fail to share

Crying baby gets the milk
The saying goes like this
What those babies never cry
They fear feeding bottle

The feed bottle stole these qualities
From the child when they grow
After the kid emptying the feed bottle
He stops crying for some time

He cries again for the feed bottle
To give him back the essence the bottle stole
The mother feeds him the empty bottle
Kid sucks the artificial nipple and later give up hope

There’s a vacuum created by the feed bottle
Which the kid could never share with others
The qualities of the breast fed healthy kid
Never get to these bottle fed babies when they grow

That’s why he makes empty promises
When he becomes a politician
For him no good qualities to share for others
Except empty promises like his empty fed bottle

The innocents fall into his trap
A worthless leader born without qualities
Empty promises make him a big leader
The burden to the society for ever we carry

The people to get over their hardship
Ask for help from these bottle fed politicians
They give them empty promises to feed
Each time they ask
Empty promises make him a big leader
The burden to the society for ever we carry

Crying baby gets the milk
The saying goes like this
What those babies never cry
They fear feeding bottle