A Rebirth

a poem by Devika

Life breathed into me
A mystery-
Giving me a face, a name;
Air, fire, water, earth, ether,
Mingled to place
In me some graces, some shame;
I gained my bearings
From others
Who defined my place, my nativity;
Growing into a climate
Warmed and cooled
By the dictates of society-
Somewhere along the way
Interrupted my placid thought;
Winding dark like smoke
Into recesses
Of consciousness, unsought:
My wholeness intrigued me,
Puzzled me-
Searching its origin, its path;
This energy that connects
Me to You
Had questions it dare not ask-
And when I begin the process
Of unwinding
The cover from the soul,
I am left gasping at
Its magnitude
As the task unfolds;
The process of assimilation
Is relentless;
I find it so painful to tear away
The threads of my life
From the fabric
Which has woven them in to stay-
And yet I must separate
My Self
To find myself yet again;
To assimilate the Power
You bestow-
I have to be reborn in pain.