Too much Money surfeits

a poem by Rajendran M

For money, many
cast their nets.
But it reaches one
who never dreams for it.

It comes in lame walk
but flees away in a wink.
Misers confine it safe
but their children squander it.

‘Fixing’ and ‘Gambling’
prosper with money.
Varied forms it has
but people are mad after ‘dollars’.

It is the deity of corruption.
Those with itching palms
prostrate before it.
But those with ‘black’ and ‘fake’ ignore it.

People pull in their expenses
for not to falling into debt traps.
Money is not to puff at your cigars.
It is a honey to share with all.
Too much of it surfeits.

Nations think of it with care.
But the babies tear it to pieces
and the cows in cities bite at it.
They ought to be taught
in a self-financing college
to know its worth.