Corona: a demon virus

a poem by Swarit Verma

Corona, a very common name
In today’s world
Again its time to win a war
Not against any terrorist
Demon, but on a virus
Gifted by china to world
We all are familiar
That the china is largest of producer
Cotton, tea, copper, etc.
China is everything largest giver
But who had imagined that it will become
The largest producer of death even on Earth

This epidemic
Have made us slave
We can’t go any where
We can’t eat meat, fish, other
No gathering is allowed
Every travelling trip is a doubt
We are just lock in a locker

Now how to fight
We don’t need any weapon to fight
Sanitizer is are main weapon at the moment
Always take out your time for washing your hand
Don’t hand shake with anybody
Develop the habit of Namaste
Avoid gathering at any cost
At any way

Coming one month is going to be very crucial
In medical history
Let’s vow to finish this epidemic
Jai Hind