Shattered Silence

a poem by Vikash

She begins to speak,
Slowly at first,
Then the words develop into a storm
Filled with emotions and accusations.
Her words bend
And then shatter the silence.

The words continue to downpour torrentially,
Stirring a brief sense of denial
That fades away as quickly
As her words turned hurtful.
The silence has been shattered… finally.

In her conquest
Of redirecting the blame,
She pursues every damning, callous avenue.
She uses those words-
Wielding their power,
To Inflict severe damage.

Uncompromisingly she screams
These accusations and slowly
The tide shifts as she begins to tear.
Unconcerned, unmoved by these outbursts,
I eventually look at her.
The silence has been shattered… eventually.

She has grievances, she is unhappy.
I grab her and begin to reply,
“Its too late,
When we needed to talk,
You were too busy,
Too busy with your career.”

“When we needed to work on our marriage,
You were blinded by your achievements,
You were deaf to the cries of our dying love,
You did not feel us drift apart.
You lived without me”

“Now, you shattered the silence,
You want to repair the love,
You can’t, its not broken…
It has been destroyed.
And it’s been like that for a long time”

“I can look back and point out
the moment we changed,
Yes we… You and I.
I didn’t stop loving you,
I stopped needing your love.
I grew without you, I waited in vain”

“Its your fault too,
You wanted to achieve,
But you lost sight of what was important…
Were you and I important?
Were we anywhere in your big picture?”

“Now that the silence
Has been shattered,
We should move on.
Its too late,
A year ago we could’ve done something,
Its too damn late now”

With guilt and shame,
I trampled towards the door.
My mind was reeling
As I journeyed to the exit-
My sanctuary in escape.

I froze near the door
Listening to her fading sobbing,
Consumed by the turmoil
That rang from her words.
I wanted to stay,
I wanted to be there – with her – for her.

I waited for a moment
As I tried to clear my mind
And my heart,
Struggling not to reveal my soul.
I wondered if I had spoken the wrong words
For the misery only germinated.

I took another step away,
From her,
From myself…
And slowly the pain
Where was my shield of denial?

I halted and
Slowly tried to find myself again,
To find the way.
What was I doing?
My thoughts were flooded with grief.

I still wanted her,
I was afraid for her well-being
And yet I was so hesitant
To be with her.
It became hard to concentrate
With the shattered silence.