Roller Coaster

a poem by Tanushree Nair

In the fusion that life is
I try hard to abstain from confusion
Yet, I trod through the mires of life
Wondering what tomorrow would offer.

On this roller coaster, I travel again
Riding the highs with aplomb
And the lows with anxiety
Always reaching out for the sky!

The clouds beckon me to their rambling abode
The birds chirp past, whispering sweet nothings
I’m on top of the world, I cry
I dare not look beneath.

The highs pass by, bringing in the eventual decline
Down I go, my dreams scattered in the air
The decline is steadfast and my mind in a maze
I worry about the end, without any threads.

I land with a bouncing thud
Alas! My journey has come to an abrupt end.
Heave a sigh, I do not,
Caught as I’m in a vicious circle
I brace up to start all over again.

I find myself eager and anxious
Like a child learning to walk
Ready to forget the murky past
Reliving the few moments of pleasure.

To trod the path much trodden
To realise, yet again, its contribution ephemeral
Driven like a gambler
Up a slithery pole.

I tell myself, life is a story opaque
Many a light shed, still a mystery
Until experience unravels, the story untold
Only to discover, that it remains a shroud!