Problems aplenty…

a poem by Jagganathan V

Problems aplenty, obstacles in your long way,
Puppets you are, others have the final say;
Your dear friends have turned into deadly foes,
And what’s more, again it rises adding to your woes.

‘It’ keeps up with you, though you take a different turn,
Weary are both the body and the soul as calories burn.
You are staggering all along your gruesome way,
Now you aren’t sure if there can be that bright sunny day.

‘They’ get into you, though you had always got away from ‘them’,
Frustration creeps in, brings about an imbalance in your stem;
Paralysed by the events, a mere statue you stand,
What can you do, but to wait for some magic wand

You immediately question ‘HIM’, why your path isn’t a smooth and joyful ride?
If you are sincere, why from you the solution he has to hide?
He creates ‘them’ too, to make you mentally strong,
When ‘they’ accompany you, you are committed to ensure there isn’t any wrong.

Says he when ‘they’ occur you are lucky to meet,
When they don’t occur, your fruits aren’t sweet.
Treat ‘them’ close to your heart, they provide you the necessary impetus,
To easily glide along your path without any strain or fuss.