Life is…

a poem by Tanushree Iyengar

It could be joy, anger, frustration, lust, greed, or sadness for a householder.
It could be detachment for a Sanyasin who has moved beyond his emotions.

It could be too long for a lover in waiting.
It could be too short for a student taking an exam.

It could be a choice of abortion for a couple wanting a boy.
It could be no choice for a couple wanting a child.

It could be a desperate inhalation for a patient using machinery to breath.
It could be a casual inhalation for a smoker before his next cigarette.

It could be a girl called Lakshmi begging outside a temple,
   crying to eat deprived of food.
It could be a girl called Lakshmi raised by maids,
   refusing to eat deprived of parental love.

It could be dedication on a daily basis with pure surrender.
It could be dedication on a daily basis with pure wants.

It could be how you cultivate your life.
You could grow it capably.
Lay the seeds of contentment and
Unconditional love to harvest good health and a happy life.
You could grow it ineffectually.
Lay the seeds of endless desire and
Conditional love to harvest poor health and an unhappy life.