Life goes on faith – II

a poem by Ramesh T A

By concentration only all activities can be carried out;
Efforts towards higher goals of life make nil differences
Irrespective of success or failure in all our endeavours.

Achieving perfection should be the ambition in one’s field
As that is the driving force of life against frustration, fatigue;
And helps take advantage of all suitable to one’s aspiration.

Alas, obligation and ambition make one’s life a dilemma!
Fulfilling obligations one may get good encomiums, but
Loss of ambition leads one to suffer inwardly in loneliness!

Nature, art or music could be the best resort for redemption
Or writing poetry or painting picture one may forget oneself
The sad part of one’s life that serves a great lesson to others!

Rowdyism and control distorts the best intention of democracy;
Coercion and harassment by politics affect normal activities
Making people, the heroes of democracy serve as underdogs!

Force and liberty, the aspects of dictatorship and democracy go off
Ill together as society and individual, nation and friend, love and fear!
And caught between the two people struggle to get rid of them soon!

Power and creativity can’t function together sans liberty and morality;
If it does, there will be peace, progress, prosperity and happiness; and
Creativity, discovery and inventions give wonderful things to enjoy!

Love and liberty help gain knowledge and create beautiful things!
Fear and force demoralise and drag all to darkness and hell only!
So, the unendurable things can only be forgotten in the outlets of art!

For, artistic diversions only can change worse situation to better ones;
That is the noble way men of faith live and lead the world to greatness!
This is the story of faith many men of the past show as the path to all.

Living as to the society noble men of faith achieve their ambition too
By tolerance, diversion and sympathy as in the success story of East
For all the men to study and emulate in life by faith in the human world!