Ode to Isle Ilk

a poem by Gummadapu Narasimha Rao

Ode to Ilk isle – I

Oh pals! We, gay guys adore our isle
The utopian abode that arbor of aisle,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe,
Live we alike divine angels of gaiety
Let! Isle deity gifts us, amity mighty.

Yea! Flora grants shelter cozy potent,
Fauna accords staple food that patent,
Aye Ilk Isle awe,
Dawn to dusk lead us spells of merry,
Let! Night tales at fire keep in cherry.

Yon! Isle Bay Shore sand glazes gold
Kids yearn dip in foamy tides so glad,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe
Shell strings shine around belle necks
Let! Pearl lots account capital checks.

Yes! Mounts grow plants tall verdant
Yield fruits tasty and florets crescent,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe
Hill rivulets, fetch fresh waters sweet,
Let! Soil boosts food roots of starchy.

In the poem “Ode to Ilk Isle” the poet describes the habits, ambitions and activities of an isolated tribe emphasizing that the nature provides all requirements as mother and at the same time that the race adores the island as the heavenly abode just it grants water, food, shade, treasure and gaiety akin benign gifts of God.

Ode to Ilk isle – II

Avow! Birds tune trills thosemelodic
Spring breeze swings, youth in zodiac,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe,
Sunlight benign acts as source energy
Let! Habitat thrives well by toils busy.

View! Pets escort huts of wild attacks
All sleep at snore out of cruel knocks,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe
Babes hug mums, at night wild howls,
Let! Crows caw aft of pole star glows.

Bestow! We title the Sun elite delight
Moon mellow draw glee éclat twilight,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe,
Stars spot, the timers of the soot night,
Let! Sprits Five put us in path straight.

Yes! We traffic spans pious and quite
Our sublime nobles protect us all right,
Aye Ilk Isle Awe,
Obey our isle priest, as of God-behest
Let! We extol our Isle cozy as noblest.

In the poem “Ode on Ilk Isle – II” the poet describes the habits, ambitions and activities of isolated solitude tribe and the poet emphasizes that the nature provides all requirements as mother and at the same time that he tribe adores the island as the heavenly abode, still at last it is said that the tribe follows orders of the head as the behest of God.