The Perfect Friend

a poem by Jake Joss

A friend is patient, a friend is kind.
You do some misdeed he doesn’t mind.
He does not envy, he doesn’t boast.
He never leaves your side, and trusts you the most.
A friend keeps no records of wrongs,
He is not self-seeking.
He criticizes you in private, but in public he is eulogizing.
A friend is there to protect, he always perseveres.
With him you can be yourself, and drive away all your fears.
A friend has no hesitation, doing something for your sake.
At once he gets into action, with a smile that’s not fake.
A friend stabs you in the front, and corrects you if you are wrong.
He pushes you and guides you, until success comes along.
He shows you how to love, he shows you how to care.
He makes a true promise, that he will always be there.
He doesn’t mind, if you go ahead of him.
A smile on your face, is all that matters to him.
He may be oceans away, but the memories cut like a knife.
He is the best token to have, of your success in life.

(Inspired by the Holy Bible)