For a Friend Moving Away

a poem by Sanchita

Let’s start a new day, a new life,
With new people, and a new atmosphere.
But let’s not forget our old life,
Old people and all the fun we had here.

Let the memories cherish in our hearts.
Let the stories linger in our souls.
Departure shouldn’t break our hearts.
Let life start again with newer roles.

Forget all the anger, all the hatred you ever had.
Say goodbye to everyone near and far.
We’ll keep in touch; don’t feel sad.
You’ll be away but not very far.

Have faith in yourself in whatever you do.
Never give up, never lose hope, and never feel lonely.
However tough the road be, keep saying I’ll get through.
You have to be your best friend, you and you only.

And if you feel lonely, remember all the times we spent,
The joy and sorrows we shared with each other.
Remember that we will always be present,
If you ever need any of us just call, don’t bother.

Don’t get too lost in sentiments and emotions.
They are sometimes a boon, or else bad.
They eat you up inside and create depressions.
Even in the worst circumstances try to be glad.

Remind yourself you have to study now and study hard.
You have to sacrifice, if you want to gain.
You have to stop your tears and become hard.
No matter what, you have to fight your anguish and pain.

And also remember I’ll be always there for you.
Don’t miss everyone so much that you miss your studies.
Just a little wait and patience is required of you,
And then you’ll be here among us and all the goodies