Set me Free

a poem by Chetan Bhatia

Step out of my place,
and I breathe hatred in the air,
everyday is a struggle to be,
a sigh of relief as one more day passed,
love, trust, faith, benevolence,
are extinct and no more to see,
curse to my parents,
as they don’t let me free,
curse to my friends,
as with my choices,
they aren’t happy,
as nothing is going right,
curse to god and destiny,
then to myself,
for not doing what I should be doing,
and to become someone,
I didn’t wanted to be,
curse has become my language,
and hating someone with or without reason,
is something I am afraid,
I have become comfortable and feel easy,
backbiting, bitching and backmouthing,
are tools I employ,
to win someone’s heart,
to become closer and intimate,
mind games is what I’ve learned,
stabbing is what I am good at,
there are more toxins in air,
than water in sea,
than venom in deadliest of cobra,
there is more poison in me.