That Peace

a poem by Mabel Annie Chacko

People of the world,
Let’s come together
Live as one,
Live for each other,
Let us share our knowledge,
Let us spread the light of literacy,
Let us not fight,
nor wage wars.
Let’s extend
a helping hand
to the one who are
less fortunate than us.
Let’s not be greedy,
Let’s realise the value
of what we have now;
’cause once it’s lost,
It won’t come back;
Let’s co-operate,
Let’s join hands
to eliminate poverty,
illiteracy, ignorance;
Let’s share our skills,
Let’s us save our earth.
Why just exist?
Just exist in space as
a neutron particle?
Wake Up!
Let’s form a new world-
A world where you and me
and generations to come can
abide in peace and harmony for-
the peace you get by helping,
the earth to revive itself
by helping
the helpless and the needy
Is a peace you don’t
Always get.