Path of Hope

a poem by Sheela K . Sharath

Why has my protective shield
been destroyed?
Why has my self-defense sword
Why has my armour rusted?
Why has my security blanket that
I have enjoyed over the years
been withdrawn?
Why do I feel so exposed,
It’s as though you’ve turned
your back on me …
For suddenly
there’s a chill and
nothing shields me
from the lurking,
softly advancing
Something is wrong, terribly wrong,
I feel it
I sense the tangible
There’s a long
lonely tunnel
I see no light.
Pray give me strength
to attempt to venture
down that sinister

Help me light a candle
to dispel the unnerving
As I take my first step,
steady my hand
that holds the light beacon
and please,
don’t snuff out the
candle light,
for it’s the
only hope
I have