Kargil – The Aftermath

a poem by Jayaram Chetty D G

Having boldly chased the enemy away,
Our proud tri-colour was held to sway,
Now try they must to keep them at bay,
Looking ahead to yet another day.

Victory indeed is ours to celebrate,
But only to those of us who are left,
Not to those who have bravely gone,
Who have lost their all and so bereft.

Aging parents having lost their son,
The one to give them all and ton,
Etched in their memories that unlucky date,
Now left to brood in their sorrowful state.

Young brides stolen of their selfless mate,
All through the happening of bitter hate,
Before given a chance to blush and bloom,
Left to blame their cruel fate.

Sweet innocents woefully left behind,
Yearning for a father’s loving care,
From them to learn and then to dare,
Now tied alone in a pitiful snare.

To scores of others who have lost their home,
Their daily bread and all that they own,
Left helpless in the midst of raging fear,
With none, their shattered tales to hear.

If they are all not safe,
Then so are not we,
If they don’t rest in peace,
Then restless our lives will be.

For they have each made a great sacrifice,
To give us this day and whatever lies ahead,
Left by their loved one for us to care,
To give them a life and with them to share.

So let us pledge with our purest thought,
As long as our breath does faintly last,
With allegiance to this land be sworn,
Dare we will not to let our warriors down.