Dear Diamond

a poem by Bhalradj S

O’ Diamond, Sparkling Diamond, you are like a twinkling star,
You adorned the crowns of Emperors in the past and reigned the coffers of the rich Nobles.
You were the pride of the Rulers and envy of the Neighbouring Kingdoms.
O’ Diamond Jupiter creation, there is no end for narration, of
blood shed, loss of lives, all of which you have been responsible.
You were plundered, in abundance; you have traversed from one kingdom to the other
You lived with the might, for the might, you were his right.

O’ Diamond, even however little you are, how costly you are.
Though imitations despise you, Diamond you are always a diamond.
O, Diamond, Lucky diamond you have brought fortunes
To those who suit you, you have baffled the gemologists, astrologists
And numerologists, you suit not everyone Enchanting diamond.
You have not spared even Holly wood,
How many box office hit’s with just plots, knitted on you.

O’ Diamond, you twinkle like the stars on the Milky Way
It is why stars are compared to you
You can take away one’s live when swallowed
That is why you remain hard
Though born out of black you are shiny white and
Yellow in shade. Bourgeoisie are you,
For you could be studded only in Gold Ornaments.
O’ Diamond dear diamond how much am I to

Sweat to own you, like the star’s so high up

Above the sky you are above my reach, you are too dear.