Poems by
Suman Siddharth Thakur

What is Life?

a poem by Suman Siddharth Thakur

I have always asked myself,
What is life?
I try to convince myself,
Life is truth.
A voice inside me reply,
Truth should never die.
Life is journey from birth to death,
Through embryo, infant, baby, kid, adult, mature, old, helpless.
These stages are truth of life,
So life is not absolute truth.

Again, I asked myself,
What is life?
I try to convince myself,
Life is change of nonliving to nonliving through living being,
A voice inside me reply,
Why nonliving things change own stage,
Everyone loves to rest,
So, this is not life.

Again, I asked myself,
What is life?
I try to convince myself,
Life is money and fame
A voice inside me reply,
Than bank should be living being,
Theater, restaurant, auditorium and stadium should be living being.
So celebration is not life.

Again, I asked myself,
What is life?
I try to convince myself,
Life is special systematic reaction of organic molecule,
A voice inside me reply,
Than life should be in laboratory,
Robot should be living being,
So reaction is not life,

This time I didn’t ask myself,
What is life?
A voice inside me reply,
Life is feeling for other,
Life is respect for other,
Life is evolution,
Life is link between two generation,
Life is happiness,
Life is positive attitude,
Life is knowledge,
Life is respect for others life.