Poems by

Struggle of my life

a poem by Mastak

My life was never a struggling harrow
just struggling to dig out the weeds
but when I saw those people so high
I thought, I had to try.

I knew that my life was not even a single piece of sand in this world of desert,
but then I thought that I will have to make my life a desert,
and then cultivate it to the fullest
and make it a green world.

When I went to the place of efforts
then I realised my life was a mere pearl,
in this world of pearls and diamonds.
Then I thought I had to make my life a stone
and then work on it to the fullest,
and then make it a diamond.
and see if I had reached the top,
but I was still a mere sapling,
In this world of big and huge trees,
then I thought I will have to make my life a seed.
And then care for it to the fullest,
and make it a big tree.
and see if I had reached the top?
Then I realised I was a mere person
in this world of persons.
Then I realised
my life would never be satisfied
if my only goal would be to reach the top.
Then I realised my life was for me
In this world, where people usually forget themselves
and just remain a story
a story he tells.