Poems by
Kalpana Tyagi

Death of a Faith

a poem by Kalpana Tyagi

Take my life, before my faith dies!
Every time I tried to touch you, I lost.
Every time I wanted to meet you, I failed.
Every time I hoped to see you, a rout was all that I faced.
Its too much, its overwhelming.
Something inside is asking me to do things, I don’t even want to think!
Some force instigates me to revolt
A meek voice roars, till its lost in the worldly chores.
A thousand failures I will lovingly embrace,
A thousand deaths I can die,
But Lord Ram please don’t let my faith die!
Take my life before my faith dies,
Kill me if you want, Lord Ram,
But don’t give me a thousand deaths in one life!!
By letting my faith die,
Let me find peace in your eyes.
Embrace me in your arms tonight,
Let all the suspicions die,
Let the love meet her pride,
Let all suspicions perish,
Let all troubles smother and cry.
But please don’t give me another death in this lipid life,
By breaking my faith!
The faith I swear by!!