Poems by
Deeksha Marur


a poem by Deeksha Marur

Fragile like the glass on my window,
That’s weak and breakable,
Fragile is my heart,
Almost broken.

Weakened by own strengths
Almost shattered by my sorrows
Darkness at my door.
One touch and I’ll break
Fragile, that’s what I am.

Not wanting to be touched
Not wanting to be held
But if you do get a hold of me, then
I’ll break because I’m fragile
So handle me with care.

Fragile much more than you know
Breakable just before I turn to strength
One hurt, a thousand wounds,
They bleed inside of me
Watch out I’m at the verge of breaking, I’m fragile!

Falling apart is all of me
Confusion, moroseness and dark times
All fall back into my life
I can’t take it any more
I’ve started to break cause me being fragile!

Handle me with care and
Find me staying together a little longer
Hold me tight or push me aside and
I shall break right away into pieces
Because I am FRAGILE