Poems by
Anup Chandran V

Thank you God

a poem by Anup Chandran V

Thank you god for the “blindness”,
that you blessed us with,
or else,
we would see the look in the eyes,
of the deprived man.
We would see the rags,
held tightly around her by the woman,
full of dignity.
We would see the baton,
that silences mercilessly.
We would see the smirks,
beyond the smiles of hypocrisy.
We would see the darkest spot,
behind the brightest lights.

Thank you god for the “deafness”,
that you blessed us with,
or else,
we would hear the abandoned babies wail,
on the doorstep of our society.
We would hear the screams,
of humans forced against their will.
We would hear the sobs of the old,
left on eiderdown beds, to die.
We would hear the desperate cry,
of the fallen in this rat-race.
We would hear the silence that suffers,
behind the loudest screams.

Thank you god for the “dumbness”,
that you blessed us with,
or else,
we would shout, at the top of our voice,
at the atrocities heaped.
We would cry, the loudest,
by the dazed old parents and the widow.
We would talk ‘heart to heart’,
with the lonely and the depressed.
We would sing a lullaby, to calm,
the orphan babies whimpers.
We would speak the words,
that were silenced by our hollow self-consciousness.

Thank you god for allowing us to think,
that ‘cowardice’ is a ‘survival instinct’.
Thank you god for making us feel,
that ‘insensitivity’ lives outside our selves.
Thank you god for the ‘excuse’, of inaction,
robed in the guise of wisdom.