African Safari

a poem by Jayati

Compassionate human, charity begin
Preserve forest. The animal kingdom.

Audacious wildlife portray
Only an attempt though, satellite display.

Precise digital device or satirise?
Never mind, back to business-

Stories made, united players
Please cynics, no accusations
Nor any internecine!

Quadruped quadraphonic
Qualifiers quantum leap
Victim quibble and dies.

On ground; The marvellous zebra stripes
The proud; Spotted coat leopard did run a win.

Lions share secured with roar
Growl the jackal, fox and wolves-

The hungry hyena behind the hydrangea
Shrilly vultures shriek, tear the atmosphere.

Impossible greed, carnivorous compatriots. Jungle hologram.
Russet, copper, verdigris earth, under saffron, vermilion blue
Sashay wind, variegated arbitrator miscible true