Poems published in November 2013


a poem by Ramya R

Wow! It was a fantastic scene
The whole world was very keen
It was Diwali, festival of lights
It was the queen of all the nights

That night there was no sight of moon
But night was brighter than the noon
Lamps were lighted everywhere
Crackers burst here and there

But a boy of six stood there still
Like an eagle on top of the hill
His eyes grew wide as he saw the sight
Never had he seen so much of light

From the sparklers, sparks were flying
Crackers bursting and rockets zooming
Charkas were spinning beautifully
Houses were lighted wonderfully

The little boy was bewitched
He asked his mother astonished
‘The world around is so happy;
Let’s burst crackers and be merry’

Now the mother was lost in thought
She narrated him the event of draught
And how slowly they lost all wealth
And his father died of ill health

We can’t afford to buy a bun
How can I buy you a cracker, Son!
Hearing this the boy was touched
To console his mother words he fetched

So what if we can’t buy crackers
So what if we are street hawkers
We are rich in virtues and thought
We will untie all our knots

The world is big and I am but a creek
The ocean of joy I shall seek
Life’s a flower I will enjoy the nectar
So what if we can’t just buy a cracker?