Tag Archives: underprivileged

Country Inn

a poem by Ruptapas

As the day breaks, near the Country Inn,
Groups of unkempt, illustrious faced people, approach near it.

Its time for the trash-van, and everyone waits in eager for its advent.

And as all eyes wait in patience, and all minds in anticipation,
Just then, the van could be seen;

With its first site, a gentle smile, fleshes in every eye.
Its party-time folks, and a hum of relief, quench their minds.

Some go for continental, and some for Thai,
Some stick to their native cuisine, and some eat what they find.

Till siesta, a strange ballet follows, synchronous to the old tune, of the belly.
It’s the fusion of life and hunger, and no music could tally;

And as they return back home, a thought, in their mind they bore.
Of returning back to their beloved Country Inn,

When it dresses again,
In an attire of delicious cuisines.