Tag Archives: monsoons

Weather Blues

a poem by Devaki Purohit

The weather is just right
Overcast clouds, windy weather
Approaching rains
And the smell! Ah the smell
But you are not here
You’ve never been here
Like a Chatak waits every year
Waits in patience for the rains to quench its thirst
I too wait
With eagerness but patience running out
A lot many monsoons, neigh too many seasons have passed
I haven’t got my place in the rains and under the Banyan tree
I haven’t got my winters with the warmth of your embrace
The summers are more arid with your absence
I haven’t got a my piece of earth – to be called rightfully mine
But I wait
I have hope
Hope not involving a shining armor
Neither of riches or laurels
But of an open mind, simple heart and an adventurous spirit
A spirit to align with mine
Not to overwhelm me but travel with me
On a journey to nowhere and everywhere
I hope
I hope you too are wandering through life like me
Waiting for a serendipitous moment
Waiting for me
To dance in the rain
And sing with the wind
We wait
We hope
For each other