Spring can be dangerous (for some)

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

It was a spring day when hormones grow
On trees and birds lay egg in nests of love.
That she met her moonlight lover who had
Dew drops in his hair.

When her lover expressed an interest in her
Husband’s big black jeep, she tried to kill her
Faithful stabbed him three times in the back
With a rusty kitchen knife.

When coming out of hospital, he graciously
Forgave his erring wife’s ways and the moonlight
Lover bought his big black jeep. Alas, its brake
Failed and lover off a cliff he went.

A happy, smiling couple holding hands, until
A day in spring when hormones grow on tree and
Birds lay egg in nests of love, that she took a new
Moonlight lover; he too had dew drops in his hair.

This time she took no chances, shot her true man
Dead six times; only because her new lover had
Expressed an interest in her dear husbands new