Miss You

a poem by Sudarshan Madhav Karhale

The days will feel longer,
the nights will grow darker,
when you won’t be with me;
my smiles will be frowned
and I’ll be drowned
in sadness and loneliness completely.

No more will there be
someone always for me
to scare with pranks made spooky everyday;
no one will shout loud,
pull forcefully me out,
when you will be far away.

I will sit quiet as long as,
until you sing a favorite song
like jazz;
I will scribble something
rubbish on my notebook,
until you’re there around to look.

I shall wait for the time
when you’ll finally arrive
and greet me with a happy face;
I shall pray daily
for you to come early,
let the stubborn clock move its rigid hands at a faster pace.