Oh God, Your Wish!

a poem by Aryaindia

To my mother

Clinging to life, I
Drowned in sorrow too
Sharing shattered dreams
Of so close a one
Oh God, is this too your wish?

Harping on dreams, I
Lifted in spirit too
Haggling with nature
To so be kinder still
Oh God, is this too your wish?

Feeling so numb, I
Weak in strength too
Pleading with mankind
To be a little humane
Oh God, is this too your wish?

Toiling alone, I
Bereft of friendship too
Begging for freedom
For souls like mine be
Oh God, is this too your wish?

In deed I have not failed once the least
In duty I have not compromised true
In caring I have not low thoughts entertained
Then why Oh God why do you test me so?
Is this too your wish?

“I cling to hopes, dreams and prayers for all in sincerity”