Sacred Friendship

a poem by Sudarshan Madhav Karhale

The rusty locks of the heavenly treasures
have been opened
with the shiny keys of smile;
my lonely hands
once again are engaged
in someone’s hands for a while.

The spring has blossomed,
the ice is melting,
which covered my happiness beneath;
I resumed the game of life
with you
who is the most special indeed.

The warmth of sun reach me
through you,
I ever catch any cold;
though tiredsome I never feel
talking with you,
I pretend to be an old.

As moon appears
on the twilight scene,
I see you there in the middle;
sometimes, I wonder
about you
just like solving a riddle.

And comes the next
morning’s light,
I still find you sleeping in the bed.
I gently whisper in your ears,
“Wake up, you little sleepy head!”

Many a nicknames
add to your list,
yet a lot of them to come;
I always seek
for a new mischief,
being more troublesome.

You keep smiling,
not frown at me,
even though whatever I do;
I pray to God
for our togetherness till the end
and your longevity, too.

The twinkling eyes
hiding under your glasses
take me on an adventurous sail;
we laugh out loudly
deep from our hearts
with joyful tears to hail.

At times
when you’re desperate and lonely,
I try to make your mood;
Efforts at last
brings out giggles
and stopping me you say,”I now feel good.”