Man lives in Dreams

a poem by Ramesh T A

Man’s life is full of dreams, both futureless dreams and futuristic dreams!
In dreams man pulls on the days hoping for a better tomorrow to live better!
What is impossible, man dreams today to make it a reality tomorrow!

The dreams of yesterday, with the ideas of today, will become realities tomorrow!
The creations and inventions of the artists and scientists are the realities of their dreams!
So, without dreams, man of knowledge cannot achieve anything worthwhile driven by the force of ambition!

Without dreams, where is the progress for man in the world?
Without dreams, where is the respite for man in reality?
So, man lives in dreams for solace and for achieving his ambition!

Poets, lunatics and lovers are all dreamers par excellence!
Leaders, intellectuals and ambitionists are all dreamers too of great dreams!
For, they all believe that what was impossible is possible and what’s impossible will be possible!

Contrarily, the world is too much to bear, certain times, hard pressed for peace!
Human nature, materially moulded, ejects as boiling lava provided by the out-bursts of events!
But after the storm for sometime the calm prevails over, as usual.

Then, human intellect morally reflects over to get the heal of the free flowing river;
The firm intellect to make peace permanent dreams in eternal truth;
And the heart heaves a sigh of relief after a long travail in wilderness and dreams horrible!

At last, the peace got by the reason escorts human spirit to regions of sublimity;
And the soul lingers like the clouds in real joy, peace and liberty at will.
The pleasure of such a job is the bliss the spirit enjoys in the dream-land of fantasy!

The sufferings of the heart are like the hot burning deserts and the cold freezing ice bergs,
That teach the human beings know the horrible miseries of mankind
And give them the heart of sympathy to save the dying humanity from the hands of tyranny.

So, wisdom can be gained in pursuit of truth, intellectually and intuitionally, only by experience;
And sharing the knowledge of such experience is the best service to humanity,
Without which nothing can be comprehended even about the mundane things.

Hence the necessity of knowledge of all things only sharpen the power of intuition;
Intellectual intuition is the search light helpful to see everything as it is,
Whatever be the scope of any world within or without one’s reach.

Dreams, intuition and imaginations of wise intellectuals save men from illusion by reality;
So, the dreams of such seers, mystics, though nostalgic in nature, never fail to come true
And the predictions of such dreams like the creation of Utopia from chaos are incredibly inevitable!

In that world of cherished dreams, animals, men and divine beings live in peace and harmony;
Colourful birds sing songs and fly free in freedom;
The green trees full of beautiful flowers and delicious fruits enrich environment with sweet fragrance!
And the onlooking angels would forget themselves in the entertaining dances of the gorgeously decorated dames;
Then, suddenly unbelievingly they look for Menaka, Urvasi and Ramba in heaven to confirm that they are there!
Such would be world of dreams, where everyone would live in joy and pleasure forever!