Poems by
Preeti Rajdeep Singh

Nation’s Hero

a poem by Preeti Rajdeep Singh

My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains my sense,
as though of hamlock I had drunk,
melted as nectar in your eyes once.

My heart ached each time you crossed the door,
clad in uniform, armour and valour galore,
Leaving behind forlorn eyes with brimmed tears,
Trying to conceal countless fears.

My heart ached when you tread on battlefield,
with your finger on the trigger sealed.
Combating a bullet on each enemy chest,
laying down each martyr to rest.

My heart ached as I scan the chugging train,
Eyes hopeful yet full of pain,
Soldiers return to families they love,
some in coffins, some blessed from above.

My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains my sense,
on seeing you being carried by strong arms,
the nectar of my heart frozen to hamlock,
as I watch hapless in utter shock,
your limbs bandaged in pain.

Laden with injuries but wrapped in pride,
you return to your beaming bride.
You served the nation and made us proud,
my heart no longer aches, no doubt.
my thoughts exactly.