Poems by
Glory Sasikala Franklin

Marital Disbliss

a poem by Glory Sasikala Franklin

A seven-year itch
Has set in our marriage
Unable to tolerate each other
A cry for breathing space.

Love gone stale?
Like withered leaves
That fall off strong branches
With strength and resource in them to rejuvenate,
A colorful spring
Hidden beauty of our brown Earth
Where all colors come from.

Pink flowers for a dark green tree.
Yellow flowers for the light green
Ah, I must learn from Mother Nature to match clothes
How flexible the rules!

I would like to go to Moonar
On a honeymoon all by myself
With my poetry along for company
And think longingly of my husband at home
And miss him, and cry for him, and crave for him
And long for him.

So when I return, I will be a good wife
Noncrabby, nonnagging, nonnasty,
Sobered and steady and ready to appreciate
And listen as he speaks
Of football matches and Governmental statistics.