Poems by
Ardhendu Bhatia

My Reincarnation

a poem by Ardhendu Bhatia

The law came as a fiasco to Tagore;
He rendered he could not take it anymore.
So he flowed in the smooth waters of art,
There stood Geetanjali distance apart.
Nobel and Knighthood grace his laurel’s synopsis;
But there is more he has done to earn apotheosis.
Shanti Niketan a witness to the finest creation,
Jan Gan Man earned the respect of the nation.
For today it’s a pity to lose a wealth;
To degrade a nation and its literary health.
For I do cry deep inside my heart,
On plagiarism and the stolen art.
Embezzle my laurel; I won’t whine
But don’t evade a heritage so divine.
Come children, because you are the future of our homeland,
Rise again and show the world for what you stand;
For what you stand!