Poems by
Aparna Ramnath

Black and White

a poem by Aparna Ramnath

People without sight don’t see colour,
They see through their heart, their mind and such,
But despite being blessed with that precious gift
We see things that shouldn’t matter much.

Of the many colours spread before us,
In nature’s bountiful creations,
We choose to see that which is eye-deep,
The vainful epidermis of our fellow beings.

When all others can graciously coexist
Without a whimper or a fight,
When and where was born this distinction
Between beautiful black and blemishless white?

It took a Mahatma to boldly begin,
A Mandela to continue the justful strife,
Must we wait for another kindred soul,
To cease this struggle by laying down his life.

Does this mean we should all be eyeless
To see and feel from our heart,
That being discriminating as we are now
Nothing but sorrow and hatred will last.

Can we not come together and bury this fire,
Put an end to this unequitable race,
So that we may live in harmony
And meet our maker with flawless grace.

An eye for an eye may make the world blind
And there may be darkness upon all,
But it seems somewhere in that gloom
There will be equality after all.