Poems by
Anuj Sharma

The Knowledge Seeker

a poem by Anuj Sharma

In the darkness light I sought
There it was glowing like a dot
It gave me an idea I gave it a thought
Keep yourself burning bright and hot
Stop if you may and become a knot

In the desert water I sought
There it was flowing ample and lot
It gave me an idea I gave it a thought
Live your life in the trot
Rest if you may and will you clot

In the harsh times spirit I sought
There it was floating, luck it had brought
It gave me an idea I gave it a thought
If you are in danger drink a courage pot
Repent you will that you had never fought

In this life knowledge I sought
There it was in me sleeping on the cot
It gave me an idea I gave it a thought
Keep it within you and will it rot
The more I had sold it the more I had bought